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Holsinger writes: > > > I'm having trouble with what I'm sure is a very simple problem, i.e., > > specifying the correct syntax for a simple split plot design. To check > > my understanding I'm using the cake data set from Table 7.5 of Cochran > > & Cox. ..... > . > . > . > > ..... I can't figure out what error term I need to > > specify to match C&C's results. Surely I'm missing something simple, > > but I've been staring at this for two hours, and I haven't been able > > to figure out the answer yet. > > I don't think that Prof. Holsinger is ``missing something > simple'' at all. Not to put too fine a point on it, and > speaking as an absolutely committed devotee of Splus, I think > that the Splus syntax for analyzing experimental designs > containing random effects absolutely SUCKS!!! Steady there Rolf, you'll do yourself a damage... :-) It's a cross-Atlantic culture clash. The S-PLUS style is much more like Genstat than SAS or minitab. They should end up at much the same place, but they do present it differently and it involves thinking about it differently. > I consider myself to be moderately competent at analyzing such > designs. (Others may well wish to disagree with my self-assessment > of competence; I won't argue too strongly :-) .) I'm sure you are much too modest Rolf. > Using Minitab or SAS I find the analysis of such designs to be > straightforward; the aov() function in Splus flummoxes me > completely. > > E.g. in Minitab I analyzed the C&C cake data (and got my experimental > design students of last winter to analyze it), with the following > results: > > MTB > ANOVA 'br.angle' = recipe | temp + replic + replic*recipe; > SUBC> Random 'replic'. > > Source DF SS MS F P > recipe 2 135.09 67.54 1.58 0.224 > temp 5 2100.30 420.06 20.52 0.000 > recipe*temp 10 205.98 20.60 1.01 0.439 > replic 14 10204.24 728.87 17.03 0.000 > recipe*replic 28 1198.47 42.80 2.09 0.002 > Error 210 4298.89 20.47 > Total 269 18142.97 > > Modulo a few decimal places and some ordering and notational > differences this matches up nicely with the results in C&C. Like > Prof. Holsinger I can't for the life of me figure out how to > reproduce the C&C analysis using aov(). Now I find that presentation very confusing I must say. Let me have a go at the kind of intuitive explanation I would prefer and become more formal and general later. First, go back and see what C&C have to say about the data. In summary it is this: The students make a batter (or mix) from a single recipe and divide it into 6 portions, each of which is cooked at a different temperature. Three such mixes, each with a different recipe, constitute a replicate. There are 15 replicates done consecutively in time and therefore possibly differ in a random way. OK, so each observation gets three independent bits of error injected into it: 1. A replicate effect (there are 15 of those, each shared between 45 observations) 2. A mix within replicate effect (3 x 15 = 45 of those, also shared) 3. A portion within mix effect (6 x 3 x 15 = 270 of those, one per observation, not shared). This sharing of random effects induces correlations between observations, so not all orthonormal linear functions will have the same variance as they would have if we only had to deal with the portion random effect. The structure is still simple, though. Because of the regularity of the design it is now easy to see that there are four kinds of linear function of the observation vector, each of which (when normalized) has a different variance: 1. The grand mean. 1 df 2. Comparisons of replicate totals. These will not contain information on any fixed effect but can be used to estimate a variance component, possibly of interest. 15 - 1 = 14 df. 3. Comparisons of mix totals within replicates. These will contain information on the recipe main effect (2 df) and the remaining df (15 x 2 - 2 = 28) are available for "within replicate between mix" error. 4. Comparisons of response values within mixes. These will contain information on the temperature main effect (5 df) and the temperature x recipe interaction (10 df) and the remaining df (210 = 45 x 5 - 15) are available for within mix error. OK, let's get to the code. The slightly confusing thing that people seem to take for granted when giving this stuff to students is that the recipe factor can be used for two purposes (a) to specify the fixed effect and its interactions and (b) when nested within replicates to specify the random effect we have consistently called "mix" in the above. So let's make two factors to separate these two jobs: > cake <- read.table("/home/venables/cake.txt", head=T) > cake$temp <- ordered(cake$temp) > cake$recipe <- factor(cake$recipe) > cake$mix <- cake$recipe > cake$replic <- factor(cake$replic) Now remember that the random effects go inside Error() and the fixed effects outside: > fm <- aov(br.angle ~ temp*recipe + Error(replic/mix), cake) While we are at it we may as well do the polynomial split-up that C&C present (this is why we made temp an ordered factor): > summary(fm, split=list(temp=list(Lin = 1, Dev = 2:5))) Error: replic Df Sum of Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr(F) Residuals 14 10204.24 728.8746 Error: mix %in% replic Df Sum of Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr(F) recipe 2 135.089 67.54444 1.578053 0.2241857 Residuals 28 1198.467 42.80238 Error: Within Df Sum of Sq Mean Sq F Value Pr(F) temp 5 2100.300 420.060 20.51986 0.0000000 temp: Lin 1 1966.705 1966.705 96.07321 0.0000000 temp: Dev 4 133.595 33.399 1.63152 0.1675078 temp:recipe 10 205.978 20.598 1.00620 0.4392694 temp:recipe: Lin 2 1.742 0.871 0.04254 0.9583622 temp:recipe: Dev 8 204.236 25.530 1.24711 0.2731676 Residuals 210 4298.889 20.471 --- This is actually much closer to the C&C table(s) than the minitab output and I urge you to go back and check it from the book (p. 301 in the 1975 edition), not from some second-hand report of it. C&C do not separate the first two tables, but it is actually very natural to do so. Tests within tables are for fixed effects and tests between tables will be for random effects (testing wheter some variance component is zero). Strictly speaking you should have four anova tables corresponding to the four kinds of linear function described above, but the grand total is clearly uninformative about anything so it is omitted. The remaining three tables above show you precisely which fixed effects are estimated within each level of variation (or stratum, of course) and what the stratum variances are estimated as. I think it is useful to stand back and see what these strata correspond to more generally. The two simplifying things about a split plot design and those like it are 1. The stable (or invariant) subspaces of the variance matrix are known in advance. In the case above there are four, and the linear functions are the eigenvectors spanning those stable subspaces. 2. Each projection of the mean vector of interest is estimated within a different stable subspace. In the above example these projections are the recipe main effect (second stratum) and temperature main effect and temp x recipe interaction (both third stratum). When you get to something like a BIB with random blocks, you still have orthogonal strata but information on treatment differences is shared between the "within block" and the "between block" strata, and putting both together is the essential difficulty of non-orthogonal experiments. The error lines (or "Residuals" in the above tables) provide estimates of the eigenvalues corresponding to the stable subspaces and if testing fixed effects is all you are concerend with you don't need to bother about expected mean squares and all that malarkey, it's just irrelevant. If you are interested in variance components, though, you do have to worry about all that malarkey. > When Bill Venables or someone like him tells us all how it should > be done, I ***may*** say ``Oh, duhhhhhh!!!'' and slap myself on the > forehead --- but I doubt it! I don't tell people how it should be done, Rolf, I merely invite them to consider ways of looking at things that personally I find useful and illuminating. Other people may find other ways more productive. Great, so long as we end up in the same place. > Incidentally I am firmly of the opinion that talking about ``split > plots'' as such is counter-productive, confusing, and antiquated. > The ***right*** way to think about such problems is simply to decided > which effects are random and which are fixed. Then think about > expected mean squares, and choose the denominator of your F-statistic > so that under H_0 the ratio of the expected mean squares is 1. > Nice, neat, simple, precise, foolproof, and no super-human intuition > or visualization abilities required. My preferred protocol is very different. I suggest one useful way of thinking about it is as follows: 1. What are the stable subspaces of the variance matrix? If we know them the projections of the response vector onto those will be independent between and homoscedastic within. These are the strata. 2. What interesting projections of the mean vector are non-zero in each stratum? If each of these is confined to a single stratum the whole analysis of fixed effects is simple. (If not I may need to consider an analysis that integrates information across strata but that's a longer story.) 3. Is my interest also in components of variance? If so I need to consider expected mean squares and see what each eigenvalue looks like in terms of the variance component of interest. Hence estimate or test as appropriate. This divide-and-conquer idea of separating the data using linear functions with homogeneous error variances, that is, the spectral decomposition of the variance matrix, I find immensely simplifying and natural. It is exactly the same thing as doing a (theoretical) principal component analysis first, of course. The contrary notion of putting everything together in one big anova table with interactions between random and fixed effects standing in for what really are error terms and pondering which one goes on the bottom of which other is to lose the plot entirely. Why are people determined to have a single analysis of variance table at all costs? It really baffles me. > Can't some clever person write a linear modelling function for > Splus which mimics the behaviour of SAS's ``PROC GLM'' and > Minitab's GLM command (or Minitab's ANOVA command for balanced data) > and doesn't mess people's minds with ``strata'' and ``Error()'' and > other such blithering confusions? Oh the answer has to be a resounding "Yes!!" That person is none other than you, Rolf. Go to it, lad... :-) > The only ***real*** problem, as I see it, would be what to call such > a function --- since ``glm()'' is already taken by ***generalized*** > linear models :-) . Ah, but at least we respect case here. By all means use GLM(). It won't bother me. > P. S. If anyone wants to experiment with the C&C cake data, it's > on my web page: > > > > then click on Current courses --> Stat 3373 --> Chocolate cake data. Thanks, and yes I did. Would people find it useful if we put a note on this into the V&R complements, or is it all clear now? (If so, please let me know privately, not the S-news list.) Bill Venables. -- Bill Venables, Statistician, CMIS Environmetrics Project CSIRO Marine Labs, PO Box 120, Cleveland, Qld, AUSTRALIA. 4163 Tel: +61 7 3826 7251 Email: Fax: +61 7 3826 7304 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This message was distributed by To unsubscribe send e-mail to with the BODY of the message: unsubscribe s-news