This is post two-hundred for this blog that started on Monday 14 July 2003. There have been gaps both on time of publication and a few missing items in the blog database. The latter explains that the old permalink of this post contained the string There was also a change of blogging system (in March 2004) from Greymatter to Textpattern.

Apart from the obvious decimal system significance, this post also marks the arrival of my new 15” Macbook Pro. After a good wait the guys from the IT department installed the extra RAM (to 1GB), setup Parallels virtualization with Windows XP (where I plan to install SAS and ASReml next week), and put the typical stuff for a university computer (MS Office and Endnote in their native mac versions).

Windows XP feels quite responsive under virtualizationand I already preordered Parallels (which is still in Beta) for USD 40. Next week I will comment on my experience installing and running SAS and ASReml.