I’m a bit obsessive with words. May be I should have used learning in the title, rather than teaching code. Or perhaps remembering code. You know? Code where one actually has very clear idea of what is going on; for example, let’s say that we are calculating the average of a bunch of n numbers, we can have a loop that will add up each of them and then divide the total by n. Of course we wouldn’t do that in R, but use a simple function: mean(x).

In a previous post I compared R and Julia code and one of the commenters (Andrés) rightly pointed out that the code was inefficient. It was possible to speed up the calculation many times (and he sent me the code to back it up), because we could reuse intermediate results, generate batches of random numbers, etc. However, if you have studied the genomic selection problem, the implementations in my post are a lot closer to the algorithm. It is easier to follow and to compare, but not too flash in the speed department; for the latter we’d move to production code, highly optimized but not very similar to the original explanation.

This reminded me of the controversial Julia benchmarks, which implemented a series of 7 toy problems in a number of languages, following the ‘teaching code’ approach. Forcing ‘teaching code’ makes the comparison simple, as different language implementations look similar to each other. However, one is also throwing away the very thing that makes languages different: they have been designed and optimized using different typical uses in mind. For example, execution time for the pisum benchmark can be reduced sixty times just by replacing the internal loop with sum(1/c(1:10000)^2). Making comparisons easily understandable (so the code looks very similar) is orthogonal to making them realistic.

Gratuitous picture: looking for the right bicycle in Uppsala.

Someone asked, tongue in cheek, ‘The Best Statistical Programming Language is …Javascript?’ Well, if you define best as fastest language running seven benchmarks that may bear some resemblance to what you’d like to do (despite not having any statistical libraries) maybe the answer is yes.

I have to admit that I’m a sucker for languages; I like to understand new ways of expressing problems and, some times, one is lucky and finds languages that even allow tackling new problems. At the same time, most of my tests never progress beyond the ‘ah, cool, but it isn’t really that interesting’. So, if you are going to design a new language for statistical analyses you may want to:

Two interesting resources discussing the adoption of R are this paper (PDF) by John Fox and this presentation by John Cook. Incidentally, John Fox is the author of my favorite book on regression and generalized linear models, no R code at all, just explanations and the math behind it all. John Cook writes The Endeavour, a very interesting blog with mathematical/programming bent.