A list of interesting R/Stats quickies to keep the mind distracted:
- A long draft Advanced Data Analysis from an Elementary Point of View by Cosma Shalizi, in which he uses R to drive home the message. Not your average elementary point of view.
- Good notes by Frank Davenport on starting using R with data from a Geographic Information System (GIS). Read this so you get a general idea of how things fit together.
- If you are in to maps, Omnia sunt Communia! provides many good tips on producing them using R.
- If you are in to data/learning visualization you have to watch Bret Victor’s presentation on Media for thinking the unthinkable. He is so far ahead what we normally do that it is embarrassing.
- I follow mathematician Atabey Kaygun in twitter and since yesterday I’ve been avidly reading his coverage of the protests in Turkey. Surely there are more important things going on in the world than the latest R gossip.
I’m marking too many assignments right now to have enough time to write something more substantial. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel though.