Web of Science de-listed (stopped indexing) 82 journals because of essentially predatory practices, including some long-suspected publishers (like Hindawi with 15 journals) and more established publishers (like Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis LTD with 4). A full list with details of the journals is available in this Google Sheet.

The original Clarivale (owners of Web of Science) post covers some more detail:

We have always been responsive to community and customer feedback when prioritizing which journals to re-evaluate. In recent months, we have taken additional proactive steps to counter the increasing threats to the integrity of the scholarly record. We have invested in a new, internally developed AI tool to help us identify outlier characteristics that indicate that a journal may no longer meet our quality criteria.

This technology has substantially improved our ability to identify and focus our re-evaluation efforts on journals of concern. At the start of the year, more than 500 journals were flagged. Our investigations are ongoing and thus far, more than 50 of the flagged journals have failed our quality criteria and have subsequently been de-listed.

Sometimes researchers knowingly choose to publish in predatory journals. Sometimes we do it by accident. One of my articles ended up in a predatory journal because the corresponding author got confused by the name, which was almost identical to a ‘proper’ journal. Shit happens, I got quite upset (a wasted paper), but shit happens.

A predatory eel, community theatre, Christchurch.