Page 17
Jetsam 46: regional terminal
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Jetsam 45: food stall in carpark
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Dropping predatory journals
Web of Science de-listed (stopped indexing) 82 journals because of essentially predatory practices, including some long-suspected publishers (like Hindawi with… -
Jetsam 44: Sunday market
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Some love for Base R. Part 4
Following on parts 1, 2 & 3—yes, a series—we arrive to part 4 revisiting Base R. See part 1 for… -
Jetsam 43: grill
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Jetsam 42: Barber geometry
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Jetsam 41: dog selfie
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Anyone using other than RStudio?
I asked both in Mastodon and Twitter “Anyone using other than #RStudio as their main #rstats IDE?” and—knowing that some… -
Jetsam 40: Barber