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Jetsam 11: Two hundred beetles
♬♪ I am a fan of Tim Prebble’s The Music of Sound, where he deals with field recording and the role… -
Jetsam 10: Chronos
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Flotsam 13: early July links
༄> Man flu kept me at home today, so I decided to do something ‘useful’ and go for a linkathon: -
My take on the USA versus Western Europe comparison of GM corn
A few days ago I came across Jack Heinemann and collaborators’ article (Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in… -
Jetsam 9: Walking amongst the trees
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GM-fed pigs, chance and how research works
Following my post on GM-fed pigs I received several comments, mostly through Twitter. Some people liked having access to an… -
Jetsam 8: swimming geometry
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Ordinal logistic GM pigs
This week another ‘scary GMO cause disease’ story was doing the rounds in internet: A long-term toxicology study on pigs… -
Flotsam 12: early June linkathon
༄> A list of interesting R/Stats quickies to keep the mind distracted: -
Jetsam 7: the wing