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“Who gets to have an opinion on the hīkoi and who must remain ‘impartial’?” I enjoyed reading Madelaine Chapman’s column… -
Exciting news
Let’s set the bar at the right level: I am not having a child or moving countries. I confess that… -
So far away
During the last two weeks I have been travelling in Chile, talking and listening (a lot) about forestry in general,… -
Deteriorando tu marca
Las plantaciones forestales producen un sinnúmero de bienes y servicios, con diferentes niveles de procesamiento y valor agregado. Cuando pensamos… -
9,000 km to the East
The end (of the semester) is nigh, involving the typical drama of assignments, grades, etc. On top of that, Duncan… -
R / Rmarkdown / Quarto collaborative guide
༄> Good list for collaboration. -
Type safety in R
༄> Introduction to r-lib type safety checks. -
Why do anova(type=’marginal’) and anova(type=’III’) yield different results on lmer() models?
༄> A good answer in StackExchange. -
Time for correlations
A few posts ago I was talking about heritabilities (like here) and it’s time to say something about genetic correlations.… -
R and Visual Studio Code
༄> Setup blog post by Aaron Schiff.