
Evolving notes, images and sounds by Luis Apiolaza

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There is value in better explanations

I am often fascinated by people who can explain something that I already know but in a *much better* way. For example, Howie Hua is great at looking at mathematical issues (geometric mean, in this example) and coming up with a simple, straightforward way of presenting it; a way that feels fresh.

If we can explain things (here is my attempt at “changes of rankings”), if we can socialise, if we can share a common understanding with colleagues, customers, community; then we can do a much better job in our projects. This is true in forestry, breeding and, I guess, pretty much any activity.

Why are you complicating the analysis?

Progeny trials (or progeny testing or genetic tests or whatever you call them) are a real money pit. They are super useful, with many functions(*) but they are expensive as hell. Their establishment, maintenance and assessment are a constant money sink.

Progeny trials follow an experimental design, through which we try to isolate signal from environmental noise. They also follow a mating design that we keep track of via the pedigree (either through a list of crosses or using marker information). Putting those two designs together starts producing a more complex analysis, which becomes even more complicated as we also include multiple environments, multiple traits, etc.

So, Why am I complicating the analysis? Because I want to squeeze as much value of those bloody expensive trials. Over 25 years ago, 1997 to be precise, I read a very cool article: “Accounting for Natural and Extraneous Variation in the Analysis of Field Experiments” by Arthur Gilmour, Brian Cullis and ArÅ«nas Verbyla (available for free here). It is a beautiful example of model building AND value extraction from a single trial. What is the point of leaving money on the table (or genetic signal in the trial)? None.

These days there are multiple options for statistical software for running those “complex” analyses. I use ASReml-R, you may use something else. There are diminishing returns, there are simplifications that are a good idea, but please, keep on polishing those analyses.

(*) That’s another post, of course.

Have you visited the trials?

I was having a chat with analysts that just had a project dumped on their lap. They were questioning previous analyses as complex and were thinking of doing something much simpler and effective to make some progress on the project. There had been many delays due to personnel issues, so it was the time to move faster. They were chatting with me/asking my opinion because I was familiar with one of the data sets.

I was struggling with some of the assumptions they were making until I asked “Have you visited the trials? At least one of them…”. The answer was “no, we haven’t”.

It may sound like a silly question, as an analysis of an experiment is just applying a recipe, isn’t it? Nevertheless, this is not your typical textbook analysis, where everything is nice and square and tidy. These are forestry experiments, growing on the crappy end of land use classes, on hilly terrain, where different parts of the trial have different aspect, slope, fertility, drainage, etc… That’s why we care about the experimental design and anything else that helps us reduce environmental noise (x/y positions, spatial modelling of residuals, etc).

Becoming familiar with the site, the material being tested and the history of the experiments is not optional.

The AI House of Cards

Many of the people pushing today for AI to be used in all organisations, particularly of the ChatGPT/LLM persuasion, were pushing NFTs and, before that, cryptocurrencies. And the blockchain, of course. How many meetings we had in our organisations (including universities) asking us to think of blockchain applications for research projects or teaching? A few.

Before all that, 2012 was the year of the MOOC (Massive open online course), when Coursera, Udacity and edX were going to disrupt and break universities. Everyone had to spend, sorry, invest on developing online courses because of the fear of missing out (FOMO). MOOCs are popular, but did not affect university attendance at the predicted scale and universities didn’t make money with most courses.

Now “prompt engineers” insist that we are missing out the LLM revolution, that our students are falling behind, as we do not allow our students to use ChatGPT in assignments. The same ChatGPT that uses fake citations (hallucinations, my bad) to inexistent journal articles to write the requested introduction. What are we supposed to teach? How do we infuse critical thinking, ethical dilemmas, discussion, etc in a probabilistic parrot trained violating the copyright of half of the internet?

Can there be real experts on a technology that appeared year and a half ago? If I look at what I do for work, how long did it take me to achieve my current level of understanding? Way more than 1.5 years.

You could think of this text as a rant; yes, I am tired of people pushing AI. There are piles of money being burnt by large companies right now, a field full of grifters, huge environmental issues as these things use as much power as a small country, and plenty of other distractions. Everyone wants to make money before the whole thing collapses.

Now, if you want to read someone much more tired than me, a scathing post, then I Will [expletive] Piledrive You If You Mention AI Again is a great piece.

PS. I crossposted this text in LinkedIn and my WordPress blog. Both of them offered AI to write my post. Sigh. Featured Image: Existential Comics 15

Breeding: simple interfaces, complex strategies

I found this text I wrote 20 years ago(*), part of a discussion document I prepared for a review of the radiata pine breeding strategy. Fixed a couple of typos, but I guess we still need pretty much the same thing. 🤔

“Different breeders value different things or, better put, they emphasise different values when developing breeding strategies. One of the reasons why many breeding programs struggle to achieve results is that they face an extremely complex list of activities, which are almost impossible to complete.

“A knee-jerk reaction from some breeders has been to recur to the KISS principle when developing breeding strategies. Unfortunately, the typical reaction has been “let’s create this dumb down strategy because it is simple to apply”. Bzzz. Wrong answer! What they have often done is to create a glorified “deployment strategy” that has almost no chance of surviving in the long term: that is, short term gain based on long term disappointment.

“Breeders need to realise that what needs to be simple is the _interface_ of the strategy. This means that we need a smooth interaction between the “theoretical animal” and the people that will be implementing it. This does not mean that the strategy is theoretically simple, but that the day-to-day activities are a breeze to complete.

“This type of interface requires the development—either in-house or through contracting the service—of tools that make life easy. For example:

  • Easy access to predicted breeding values, including desktop and online access. In addition, there needs to be an idea of the reliability of those predicted values if we are going to use them for deployment purposes.
  • Tools that make easy deciding what to select and which trees should be mated with each other (mate selection and allocation).
  • Protocols for deployment and tools for keeping control of the availability of genetic material.
  • Easy management of the interaction between improvement and deployment objectives.

“In summary, breeders need tools for dealing with the huge amount of data created by breeding and deployment activities, so it can be transformed into information.”

(*) Well, 19 years ago, this was 2005, but twenty sounds much better.

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