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Academic publication boycott
The last few weeks there has been a number of researchers calling for, or supporting, a boycott against Elsevier; for… -
Mid-January flotsam: teaching edition
༄> I was thinking about new material that I will use for teaching this coming semester (starting the third week of… -
I installed the latest version (0.12) of IPython from source in my mac, but forgot that I had a previous… -
R is a language
A commenter on this blog reminded me of one of the frustrating aspects faced by newbies, not only to R… -
The world owes you nothing
皿 Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes you nothing. It was here first. Mark Twain -
Doing Bayesian Data Analysis now in JAGS
Around Christmas time I presented my first impressions of Kruschke’s Doing Bayesian Data Analysis. This is a very nice book… -
Deactivated Intense Debate, testing default comments
Intense Debate did not play well with Linux users, so I’m going back to WordPress’s default commenting system. Please email… -
Plotting earthquake data
Since 4th September 2010 we have had over 2, 800 quakes (considering only magnitude 3+) in Christchurch. Quakes come in… -
An R wish list for 2012
I expect there will be many reviews and wish lists for R this year, with many of them focusing on… -
We had a beautiful day sightseeing Banks Peninsula when another quake hit Christchurch: magnitude 5.8 at 1:58pm local time. This…