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Coming out of the (Bayesian) closet: multivariate version
This week I’m facing my—and many other lecturers’—least favorite part of teaching: grading exams. In a supreme act of procrastination… -
Coming out of the (Bayesian) closet
Until today all the posts in this blog have used a frequentist view of the world. I have a confession… -
Teaching with R: the tools
I bought an Android phone, nothing fancy just my first foray in the smartphone world, which is a big change… -
Multivariate linear mixed models: livin’ la vida loca
I swear there was a point in writing an introduction to covariance structures: now we can start joining all sort… -
Covariance structures
In most mixed linear model packages (e.g. asreml, lme4, nlme, etc) one needs to specify only the model equation (the… -
Longitudinal analysis: autocorrelation makes a difference
Back to posting after a long weekend and more than enough rugby coverage to last a few years. Anyway, back… -
Teaching with R: the switch
There are several blog posts, websites (and even books) explaining the transition from using another statistical system (e.g. SAS, SPSS,… -
Spatial correlation in designed experiments
Last Wednesday I had a meeting with the folks of the New Zealand Drylands Forest Initiative in Blenheim. In addition… -
On R, bloggers, politics, sex, alcohol and rock & roll
Yesterday morning at 7 am I was outside walking the dog before getting a taxi to go to the airport… -
Large applications of linear mixed models
In a previous post I summarily described our options for (generalized to varying degrees) linear mixed models from a frequentist…