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Superindex and subindex in ggpairs axes labels
༄> I was having problems on the syntax to get the axis labels with subindices and superindices, as it didn’t work… -
greenR: Green spaces in R
༄> Yesterday I was attending the Urban Forest Futures conference and there were several interesting presentations. Here is a couple of… -
Sometimes we want more, sometimes we want less
I am running analyses for a new article with my colleague Clemens Altaner (a smart cookie), reprocessing old samples to… -
All that glitters (still) is not GxE interaction
Five months ago I was saying all that glitters is not GxE interaction, putting forward the idea that, at least… -
duckplyr: dplyr + DuckDB
༄> DuckDB released a new R package – duckplyr, which enables running dplyr functions using the DuckDB engine on the backend… -
SQL: I always need a refresh
༄> The Querynomicon by “Mad Arab” Abdul Alhazred or Greg Wilson. Your pick. -
Taylor & Francis made me do it
Today I received an email from Taylor & Francis letting me know that the final volume and pagination for one… -
I do not work in that topic, except when I do
—We are planning a conference on changes to silviculture because of forest fires and climate change… Do you wanna come?… -
Not a miracle worker
—The genetic correlations are very high. Can you check them? —Sure -
I haven’t done an animation in R in ages
༄> So I needed to remember how to do it. Thie post “Building an animation step-by-step with gganimate” is pretty helpful:…