Posts tagged linkedin
When Nelder is THAT Nelder
There is a relatively common planting spacing experimental design called a Nelder trial. It is really cool looking from the… -
TV, Tariffs and Arabic
I was watching TV and the programme was set in Málaga. I knew that Málaga was in Southern Spain, but… -
I come from the future
It’s already 2025 in Aotearoa New Zealand. The universe did not collapse with the change of year. Moreover, the universe… -
New publication, one more rule
This week we got an article published in New Forests on phenotyping radiata pine for resin. This is part of… -
Time for correlations
A few posts ago I was talking about heritabilities (like here) and it’s time to say something about genetic correlations.… -
When heritability is high but the phenotype is dominated by the environment
I was reading a LinkedIn post that said “heritability is the extent to which differences in observed phenotypes can be… -
You realise that New Zealand is small when…
I was chatting with a colleague (Salvador Gezan) in April about teaching, learning and books, and he suggested “have a… -
The best part of LinkedIn
After “professional Twitter’s” demise I joined LinkedIn (less than a year ago) to keep in touch with colleagues. Overall, I… -
Start with the programming language and statistical approach used by your community
I have been very busy with the start of the semester, teaching regression modelling. The craziest thing was that the… -
The purpose of a system is what it does (POSIWID)
This is a popular* dictum by systems theorist Stafford Beer, pointing out that the self-described purpose of a system (or… -
Having a peek at sheep breeding
One of the cool things about Quantitative Genetics is that it works everywhere. As a forester, I work with trees… -
Questions while watching Netflix
In 2022 28% of New Zealand’s total exports and 53% of the forestry exports (by value) went to China. China’s… -
There is value in better explanations
I am often fascinated by people who can explain something that I already know but in a much better way.… -
Why are you complicating the analysis?
Progeny trials (or progeny testing or genetic tests or whatever you call them) are a real money pit. They are… -
Have you visited the trials?
I was having a chat with analysts that just had a project dumped on their lap. They were questioning previous… -
The AI House of Cards
Many of the people pushing today for AI to be used in all organisations, particularly of the ChatGPT/LLM persuasion, were… -
Breeding: simple interfaces, complex strategies
I found this text I wrote 20 years ago(*), part of a discussion document I prepared for a review of… -
Are PhDs a pyramid scheme?
If you are a professor in academia you are supposed to form/train new PhDs. In the past, those new PhDs… -
Why is this trait I like getting worse in the breeding programme?
The short answer: because the trait you like is not part of the breeding objective and, therefore, has not an… -
Back of the envelope calculations: pulp mill
Imagine that someone stops you on the street and asks “How many hectares of plantations do we need for a… -
Exposing rather than hiding complexity
In the mid-1990s I was at Massey University in Palmerston North, centre of the known universe, where I was doing… -
Escogemos producir madera de baja calidad
Tercera patita(*). La semana pasada participé en tres reuniones en el éter (online dirían algunos), discutiendo investigación en diferentes aspectos… -
A dollop of Spanish
Most of my followers are English speakers (native speakers, second-language, third-language, nth-language speakers) so they could be confused by my… -
¿A quién citamos en el sector forestal?
En mi post anterior preguntaba ¿A quién subsidiamos en el sector forestal?, lo que despertó una buena y civilizada discusión.… -
¿A quién subsidiamos en el sector forestal?
Las últimas semanas ha habido una ofensiva comunicacional grande del sector forestal chileno, con participación de las empresas grandes, CORMA,… -
Do you remember your first time?
You were nervous. Would they like it as much as you did? Would you make the cut? Your first manuscript… -
Sometimes we want more, sometimes we want less
I am running analyses for a new article with my colleague Clemens Altaner (a smart cookie), reprocessing old samples to… -
All that glitters (still) is not GxE interaction
Five months ago I was saying all that glitters is not GxE interaction, putting forward the idea that, at least… -
Taylor & Francis made me do it
Today I received an email from Taylor & Francis letting me know that the final volume and pagination for one… -
I do not work in that topic, except when I do
—We are planning a conference on changes to silviculture because of forest fires and climate change… Do you wanna come?… -
Not a miracle worker
—The genetic correlations are very high. Can you check them? —Sure -
A few things that I expect to find in a well-functioning breeding programme
A good understanding of the biological traits that have an effect on profit. Can we identify new, more efficient selection criteria? -
Tuesday evening mid-life crisis
There was a time, roughly 30 years ago, when my whole career extended to an unknown, distant future. What should… -
Monopoly money vs real money
“Tree breeding has added 2 Billion dollars to the forest industry” said the presenter during a seminar. -
Teaching tsunami
One day you are all happy and relaxed, with plenty of time for cooking dinner of any kind. Three course… -
New publication on peeler cores and slabwood for pulp use
Second collaboration with my pals at Universidad de Concepción: Juan Pedro Elissetche and Rosa María Alzamora Mallea. This time also… -
Old dog, etc
Yesterday I attended an introduction to “Artificial Intelligence in Forestry”* workshop at the School of Forestry, University of Canterbury. There… -
More than heritability 🎶
It is easy to get obsessed with heritabilities when you start working in breeding and genetics. The idea that a… -
Lecture on enshitification
Cory Doctorow’s My McLuhan lecture on enshittification. How we got to the current dystopia and how we can fix it.… -
Python not suitable platform for reproducible research
While [Active Papers] has achieved its mission of demonstrating that unifying computational reproducibility and provenance tracking is doable and useful,… -
The collapse of Eucalyptus globulus or future-proofing nonsense
I cringe every time I hear the term “future proofing”. It can be read as doing something to avoid facing… -
Fascinated by change
The last 2 months or so I have been revisiting the Chilean forest sector and mentally comparing values with other… -
We all stopped expanding our forest estate
A few days ago I was comparing afforestation figures—planting in area that didn’t have trees before—across New Zealand, Chile and… -
New plantations in AU, NZ and CL
Looking at new forest plantations areas in Chile (data from INFOR), Australia (ABARES) and New Zealand (MPI) since 1994, as… -
Collaborative competition
I was reading Peter Amer’s Pre-competitive collaboration in which he discusses the interaction between private and public sectors in research… -
What Would Akaike Do?
This AIC looks way more fun than the other AIC for (soft toy) model selection. -
Leaking genetic gain: not quite a selection index
A few years ago I was talking with a breeder who spent substantial time running genetic analyses, with fairly sophisticated… -
Long-term and longer-term
Last Tuesday I had a very interesting visit (coordinated by Dr Verónica Emhart) and discussion with the breeding team at… -
Names and things
There was a time when we used to take one or more field crews and we would measure trees. As… -
Why did my breeding values go down?
At first, the question may sound strange. You have been collecting data, running analyses using various acronyms (PBLUP, GBLUP, HBLUP,… -
I am a sucker… for interesting problems
As a child and as a young person I moved a lot (schools, cities, countries). On one side it gave… -
Big blob thesis OR chapter = publication?
I have a PhD student that should be submitting by approximately Christmas time, so the last week has been a… -
Are we working with a model organism?
There are organisms that are highly popular in research, like fruit flies or mice in animals,Arabidopsis or poplars in plants.… -
A month ago I said “trees are much more than wood and one of our PhD students at the School… -
At the core of your breeding programme
Surely you have been in this situation: meeting, there is coffee and biscuits at the back, some fruit if you’re… -
In between plant and animal breeding 1: economic weights
Unless you live in paradise and you have a single objective trait—so your whole breeding objective is “more X”—you have… -
I am fascinated by trees, those cute and enormous organisms made out of air. The idea that I can hug… -
Even worse than pedigree errors: selecting for the wrong thing
Imagine this: you have been patiently assessing trees for wood density (selection criterion) thinking that you’re improving wood stiffness (objective… -
In between plant and animal breeding 1
Let’s start with the obvious: trees are plants and—unless you are breeding Ents—they do not walk around. Therefore, the first… -
Do I have pedigree errors?
We just finished a genetic analysis, got breeding values for all our selection criteria, combined them with genetic parameters and… -
How old is your favourite language?
We often forget for how long we’ve been writing code in specific languages. For example, I started using SAS in… -
All that glitters is not GxE interaction
We are going over the fifth version(*) of a manuscript with a Ph.D. student and colleagues, polishing some details before… -
Early selection: how early is early enough? Part 4
In the previous post we were able to screen trees for wood properties at 2 years of age, separating normal… -
Early selection: how early is early enough? Part 3
In my previous post we were able to detect extremes of wood density and stiffness with leaning trees at 8… -
Early selection: how early is early enough? Part 2
In the previous post I mentioned that we wanted to screen trees for wood properties as early as possible, BUT… -
Early selection: how early is early enough? Part 1
Different people write for different reasons. In my case, I write to remember how and why I did research with… -
Eucalypts essential oils
These days I deal mostly with quantitative genetics and wood properties. However, trees are much more than wood and one…