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Functions with multiple results in tidyverse
I have continued playing with the tidyverse for different parts of a couple of projects. -
Turtles all the way down
One of the main uses for R is for exploration and learning. Let’s say that I wanted to learn simple… -
Old dog and the tidyverse
I started using R ages ago and have happily lived in mostly-base-R for data manipulation. Once in a while I… -
Why you shouldn’t entrust your pet to Glenstar Kennels
Travel is part of life and if you have pets, finding appropriate boarding for them is a must. This is… -
Jetsam 33: 1:51″ in the backyard
♬♪ I was testing a Zoom H4n with a couple of external omni microphones while walking in the backyard. It was… -
Jetsam 32: self-portrait between bars
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Jetsam 31: The dance asthmatics
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Jetsam 30: butterfly in Otago Museum.
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Cute Gibbs sampling for rounded observations
I was attending a course of Bayesian Statistics where this problem showed up: -
皿 You are not entitled to your opinion. You are entitled to your informed opinion. No one is entitled to be…