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Reading HTML pages in R for text processing
We were talking with one of my colleagues about doing some text analysis—that, by the way, I have never done… -
Operating on datasets inside a function
There are times when we need to write a function that makes changes to a generic data frame that is… -
A brief idea of style
Once one starts writing more R code the need for consistency increases, as it facilitates managing larger projects and their… -
All combinations for levelplot
In a previous post I explained how to create all possible combinations of the levels of two factors using expand.grid().… -
On R versus SAS
A short while ago there was a discussion on linkedin about the use of SAS versus R for the enterprise.… -
Linear regression with correlated data
I started following the debate on differential minimum wage for youth (15-19 year old) and adults in New Zealand. Eric… -
R pitfall #1: check data structure
A common problem when running a simple (or not so simple) analysis is forgetting that the levels of a factor… -
All combinations of levels for two factors
There are circumstances when one wants to generate all possible combinations of levels for two factors. For example, factor one… -
“Not in” in R
When processing data it is common to test if an observation belongs to a set. Let’s suppose that we want… -
A shoebox for data analysis
Recidivism. That’s my situation concerning this posting flotsam in/on/to the ether. I’ve tried before and, often, will change priorities after…