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Back of the envelope calculations: pulp mill
Imagine that someone stops you on the street and asks “How many hectares of plantations do we need for a… -
Exposing rather than hiding complexity
In the mid-1990s I was at Massey University in Palmerston North, centre of the known universe, where I was doing… -
Escogemos producir madera de baja calidad
Tercera patita(*). La semana pasada participé en tres reuniones en el éter (online dirían algunos), discutiendo investigación en diferentes aspectos… -
A dollop of Spanish
Most of my followers are English speakers (native speakers, second-language, third-language, nth-language speakers) so they could be confused by my… -
¿A quién citamos en el sector forestal?
En mi post anterior preguntaba ¿A quién subsidiamos en el sector forestal?, lo que despertó una buena y civilizada discusión.… -
Potential material for teaching
༄> Statistics for ecologists -
¿A quién subsidiamos en el sector forestal?
Las últimas semanas ha habido una ofensiva comunicacional grande del sector forestal chileno, con participación de las empresas grandes, CORMA,… -
Do you remember your first time?
You were nervous. Would they like it as much as you did? Would you make the cut? Your first manuscript… -
Transforming Crop Breeding with Trait Extraction from Drone Imagery
༄> Quick popsci explanation of drone use in breeding. -
Superindex and subindex in ggpairs axes labels
༄> I was having problems on the syntax to get the axis labels with subindices and superindices, as it didn’t work…