
Evolving notes, images and sounds by Luis Apiolaza

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Flotsam 11: mostly on books

‘No estaba muerto, andaba the parranda’ as the song says. Although rather than partying it mostly has been reading, taking pictures and trying to learn how to record sounds. Here there are some things I’ve come across lately.

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Dealing with software impermanence

Every so often I get bored writing about statistical analyses, software and torturing data and spend time in alternative creative endeavors: taking and processing pictures, writing short stories or exploring new research topics. The former is, mostly, covered in 500px, I keep the stories private and I’m just starting to play with bioacoustics.

The Google Reader debacle came while I was away from this blog; Google announced that Reader will be canned mid-year, probably because they want to move everyone towards Google+. Let’s be straightforward, it is not the end of the world but a (relatively) minor annoyance. The main consequence is that this decision led me to reevaluate my relationship with Google services and the result is that I’m replacing most services, particularly those where what I consider private information is stored. Continue reading

Remembering server installation details

I’ve been moving part of my work to university servers, where I’m just one more peasant user with little privileges. In exchange, I can access the jobs from anywhere and I can access multiple processors if needed. Given that I have a sieve-like memory, where configuration details quickly disappear through many small holes, I’m documenting the little steps needed to move my work environment there.

The server provides a default R installation but none of the additional packages I often install are available (most people accessing the servers don’t use R). I could contact the administrator to get them installed, but I’ve opted for installing them under my user space. For that I followed the instructions presented here, which in summary require adding the name of the default folder (/hpc/home/luis/rpackages) for the local library of packages to my .bashrc file:
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