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I used to have strong opinions about some of my papers, now I agree with Van der Graaf Generator “No-one can ever know what of their own’s their very best” (in Bunsho).
What I thought was perfect,
what I thought was polished,
no-one thought it worth much
and they made that clear.
What I thought was worthless,
merely repetition
somehow tugged the heartstrings,
brought them all to tears.No-one can ever know
what of their own’s their very best.
Journal articles, book chapters and the like
- [66] McLean D, Apiolaza LA, Klápště J, Evison D and Paget M. 2024. Optimising multivariate genomic selection strategies in New Zealand Pinus radiata. Submitted.
- [65] Altaner CM, Gordon AJ, Sharma M and Apiolaza LA. 2024. Phenotyping a Pinus radiata breeding population for resin canal traits. New Forests 56: 18 DOI: 10.1007/s11056-024-10087-1 (PDF).
- [64] McLean D, Apiolaza LA, Paget M and Klápště J. 2024. Well-connected trials show low genotype-by-environment interaction in Pinus radiata. Forest Ecology and Management DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2024.121887 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [63] Elissetche JP, Apiolaza LA, Alzamora RM, Soto LO, Lasserre JP. 2024. Peeler core and slabwood fibre properties for Pinus radiata D. Don pulp production. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science DOI: 10.33494/nzjfs542024x268x (Open Access) (PDF).
- [62] Rajapaksha C, Apiolaza LA, Squire M and Altaner C. 2023. Genetic parameters of essential oil traits for Eucalyptus bosistoana. Australian Forestry 86: 90-99 DOI: 10.1080/00049158.2023.2270681 (Open Access).
- [61] Apiolaza LA and Sharma M. 2023. Selection history affects very early expression of wood properties in Pinus radiata. New Forests DOI: 10.1007/s11056-023-09997-3 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [60] McLean D, Apiolaza LA, Paget M and Klápště J. 2023. Simulating deployment of genetic gain in a radiata pine breeding program with genomic selection. Tree Genetics & Genomes 19:33 DOI: 10.1007/s11295-023-01607-9 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [59] Ghildiyal V, Iyiola E, Sharma M, Apiolaza LA and Altaner C. 2023. Genetic variation in drying collapse and heartwood properties at mid-rotation age of Eucalyptus globoidea. Industrial crops & products 201: DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.116891 (PDF).
- [58] Rajapaksha C, Apiolaza LA, Squire M and Altaner C. 2023. Seasonal variation of yield and composition in extracts from immature and mature Eucalyptus bosistoana leaves. Flavour and Fragrance Journal 38(4): 293-300 DOI: 10.1002/ffj.3742 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [57] Gavilán E, Alzamora RM, Apiolaza LA, Sáez K, Elissetche JP, Pinto A. 2023. Modelling the influence of radiata pine log variables on structural lumber production. Maderas-Ciencia y Tecnología 25: 1-10 DOI 10.4067/s0718-221×2023000100402 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [56] Iyiola EA, Altaner C, Apiolaza LA. 2022. Genetic variation in wood properties of mid-rotation age Eucalyptus globoidea. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 47:5 DOI: 10.33494/nzjfs522022x172x (Open Access) (PDF).
- [55] Alzamora RM, Apiolaza LA, Ruiz C and Lanfranco D. 2020. Site, tree and silvicultural factors influencing the infestation of xylophagous insects on Nothofagus forests. Journal of Forest Research Open Access 9(2): 226 (PDF).
- [54] Govina J, Apiolaza LA and Altaner C. 2020. Variation and genetic parameters of axial resin canal features in clones and families of Pinus radiata. New Forests 52: 167-176 DOI: 10.1007/s11056-020-09780-8 (PDF).
- [53] Schimleck L, Dahlen J, Apiolaza LA, Downes G, Emms G, Evans R, Moore J, Pâques L, Van den Bulcke J and Wang X. 2019. Non-destructive evaluation techniques and what they tell us about wood property variation. Forests 10(9): 728 DOI: 10.3390/f10090728 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [52] Li Y, Apiolaza LA and Altaner C. 2018. Genetic variation in heartwood properties and growth traits of Eucalyptus bosistoana. European Journal of Forest Research 137: 565–572 DOI: 10.1007/s10342-018-1125-0 (PDF read cube).
- [51] Paget MF, Alspach PA, Anderson JAD, Genet RA, Braam WF and Apiolaza LA. 2017. Replicate allocation to improve selection efficiency in the early stages of a potato breeding scheme. Euphytica 213(9): 213-221 DOI: 10.1007/s10681-017-2004-3 (PDF).
- [50] Li Y, Dungey H, Yanchuck A and Apiolaza LA. 2017. Improvement of non-key traits in radiata pine breeding programme when long-term economic importance is uncertain. PLoS ONE 12(5):1-15 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0177806 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [49] Morgenroth J, O’Neil-Dunneb J and Apiolaza LA 2017. Redevelopment and the urban forest: A study of tree removal and retention during demolition activities. Applied Geography 82(May): 1–10 DOI: 10.1016/j.apgeog.2017.02.011 (PDF).
- [48] Davies NT, Apiolaza LA and Sharma M. 2017 Heritability of growth strain in Eucalyptus bosistoana: a Bayesian approach with left-censored data. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 47:5 DOI: 10.1186/s40490-017-0086-2 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [47] Farmery A, Apiolaza LA and Woollons R. 2016. Variation in clonal and controlled pollinated radiata pine seedlots established in Hawke’s Bay forests. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 61(3): 30-32 (PDF).
- [46] Davies NT, Altaner CM and Apiolaza LA 2016. Elastic constants of green Pinus radiata wood. New Zealand Journal of Forestry Science 46:19 DOI: 10.1186/s40490-016-0075-x (Open Access) (PDF).
- [45] Sharma M, Apiolaza LA, Chauhan S, McLean JP and Wikaira J. 2015. Ranking very young Pinus radiata families for acoustic stiffness and validation by microfibril angle. Annals of Forest Science DOI:
10.1007/s13595-015-0529-y (Open Access) (PDF). - [44] Paget MF, Apiolaza LA, Anderson JAD, Genet RA and Alspach PA. 2015. Appraisal of Test Location and Variety Performance for the Selection of Tuber Yield in a Potato Breeding Program. Crop Science 55(5): 1957-1968 DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2014.11.0801 (PDF).
- [43] Pinto AA, Alzamora RM and Apiolaza LA 2015. Using Conditional Value at Risk to select radiata pine trees for operational deployment. Bosque 36: 131-135 DOI: 10.4067/S0717-92002015000100015 (Open Access) (PDF) .
- [42] Paget MF, Alspach PA, Anderson JA, Genet RA and Apiolaza LA 2015. Trial heterogeneity and variance models in the genetic evaluation of potato tuber yield. Plant Breeding DOI: 10.1111/pbr.12251 (PDF).
- [41] Evison DC and Apiolaza LA 2015. Incorporating economic weights into Radiata pine breeding selection decisions. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 45(1): 135-140 DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2014-0363 (PDF).
- [40] Apiolaza LA 2014. Comment on Sustainability and innovation in staple crop production in the US Midwest. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2014.93984 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [39] Apiolaza LA 2014. Linking changes to breeding objectives and genetic evaluation to genetic gain in New Zealand. New Forests 45(3): 439-448. DOI: 10.1007/s11056-014-9425-9 (PDF).
- [38] Paget MF, Amoros W, Salas E, Eyzaguirre R, Alspach PA, Apiolaza LA, Noble A, Bonierbale M. 2014. Genetic evaluation of micronutrient traits in diploid potato from a base population of native Andean clones. Crop Science 54: 1949-1959 DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2013.12.0809 (PDF).
- [37] Paget MF, Alspach PA, Genet RA and Apiolaza LA 2014. Genetic variance models for the evaluation of resistance to powdery scab (Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea) from long-term potato breeding trials. Euphytica 197(3): 369-385. DOI: 10.1007/s10681-014-1073-9 (PDF).
- [36] Antony F, Schimleck LR, Jordan L, Hornsby B, Dahlen J, Daniels R, Clark A, Apiolaza LA and Huber D. 2014. Growth and wood properties of genetically improved Loblolly pine: propagation type comparison and genetic parameters. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 44(3): 263-272. DOI: 10.1139/cjfr-2013-0163 (PDF).
- [35] Apiolaza LA, Chauhan S, Hayes M, Nakada R, Sharma M and Walker J. 2013. Selection and breeding for wood quality—A new approach. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 58(1): 32-37 (PDF).
- [34] Apiolaza LA and Alzamora RM. 2013. Building deployment portfolios for genotypes under performance instability. Silva Fennica 47(1): 901. DOI: 10.14214/sf.901 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [33] Chauhan SS, Sharma M, Thomas J, Apiolaza LA, Collings DA and Walker JCF. 2013. Methods for the very early selection of Pinus radiata D. Don. for solid wood products. Annals of Forest Science 70: 439-449. DOI: 10.1007/s13595-013-0270-3 (PDF).
- [32] Alzamora RM and Apiolaza LA 2013. A DEA approach to assess the efficiency of radiata pine logs to produce New Zealand structural grades. Journal of Forest Economics 19: 221–233. DOI: 10.1016/j.jfe.2013.01.003 (PDF).
- [31] Alzamora RM, Apiolaza LA and Evison DC. 2013. Using a production approach to estimate economic weights for structural attributes of Pinus radiata wood. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research 28: 282-290. DOI: 10.1080/02827581.2012.734328 (PDF).
- [30] Heber S, Briskie JV and Apiolaza LA 2012. A test of the ‘genetic rescue’ technique using bottlenecked donor populations of Drosophila melanogaster. PLoS ONE 7(8): e43113. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0043113 (Open Access) (PDF).
- [29] Apiolaza LA 2012. Basic density of radiata pine in New Zealand: genetic and environmental factors. Tree Genetics and Genomes 8: 87-96. DOI: 10.1007/s11295-011-0423-1 (PDF).
- [28] Apiolaza LA, Chauhan S and Walker JCF. 2011. Genetic control of very early compression and opposite wood in Pinus radiata and its implications for selection. Tree Genetics & Genomes 7(3): 563-571 DOI: 10.1007/s11295-010-0356-0 (PDF).
- [27] Apiolaza LA, Butterfield B, Chauhan S and Walker JCF. 2011. Characterization of mechanically perturbed young stems: can it be used for wood quality screening? Annals of Forest Science 68(2): 407-414 DOI: 10.1007/s13595-011-0028-8 (PDF).
- [26] Alzamora RM and Apiolaza LA 2010. A hedonic price analysis of radiata pine logs for appearance timber. Forest Science 56(3): 283-291 (PDF).
- [25] Apiolaza LA, Chauhan S and Walker JCF. 2009. Revisiting Eucalypts Workshop, Wood Technology Research Centre. 155 p. ISBN 978 0 47314703 (Edited proceedings).
- [24] Apiolaza LA. 2009. Very early selection for wood quality: screening for early winners. Annals of Forest Science 66(6): 601 (PDF). DOI: 10.1051/forest/2009047 (Open Access).
- [23] Warren E, Smith RGB, Apiolaza LA and Walker JCF. 2009. Effect of stocking on juvenile wood stiffness for three Eucalyptus species. New Forests 37(3): 241-250 (PDF). DOI: 10.1007/s11056-008-9120-9
- [22] Laffan M, Rees S. and Apiolaza LA. 2008. Effects of cultivation method on the early growth of Pinus radiata on a low quality site in north-eastern Tasmania. Tasforests 17: 9-14 (PDF image).
- [21] Apiolaza LA. 2008. Improvement objectives for short rotation forestry. New Zealand Journal of Forestry 52(4): 26-28 (PDF galley proofs).
- [20] Li Y, Dutkowski GW, Apiolaza LA, Pilbeam DJ, Costa e Silva J and Potts BM. 2007. The genetic architecture of a Eucalyptus globulus full-sib breeding population in Australia. Forest Genetics 12: 167-179 (PDF galley proof).
- [19] Whittock SP, Dutkowski GW, Greaves BL and Apiolaza LA. 2007. Integrating revenues from carbon sequestration into economic breeding objectives for Eucalyptus globulus pulpwood production. Annals of Forest Science 64: 239-246. DOI: 10.1051/forest:2007001 ( Open Access) (PDF).
- [18] Sinn DL, Apiolaza LA and Moltschaniwskyj NA. 2006. Genetic analysis and reproductive consequences of squid personality traits. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 19(5): 1437-1447. DOI: 10.1111/j.1420-9101.2006.01136.x (Open Access) (PDF). Yes, you read correctly: a paper on the genetics of personality of dumpling squid.
- [17] MacDonald MA, Apiolaza LA and Grove S. 2005. The birds of retained vegetation corridors: a pre- and post-logging comparison in dry sclerophyll forest in Tasmania. Forest Ecology and Management 218: 277-290 (PDF).
- [16] Apiolaza LA, Raymond CA and Yeo B. 2005. Genetic variation of physical and chemical wood properties of Eucalyptus globulus. Silvae Genetica 54: 160-166 (PDF).
- [15] Whittock SP, Greaves BL and Apiolaza LA. 2004. The comparative economics of genetically improved seedling and coppice crops in Eucalyptus globulus plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 191: 267-274 (PDF).
- [14] Raymond CA and Apiolaza LA. 2004. Incorporating wood quality and deployment traits in Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens. In ‘Plantation Forest Biotechnology for the 21st Century’. pp 87-99 (PDF preprint).
- [13] Whittock SM, Apiolaza LA, Kelly CM and Potts BM. 2003. Genetic control of coppice and lignotuber development in Eucalyptus globulus. Australian Journal of Botany 51(1): 57-67 (PDF).
- [12] Lopez GA, Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE and Apiolaza LA. 2003. Maternal and carryover effects on early growth of Eucalyptus globulus. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33(11): 2108-2115 (PDF).
- [11] Lopez GA, Potts BM, Dutkowski GW, Apiolaza LA and Gelid P. 2002. Genetic variation and inter-trait correlations in Eucalyptus globulus base population trials in Argentina. Forest Genetics 9(3): 217-231 (PDF).
- [10] Alzamora RM, Apiolaza LA and Ide S. 2002. Evaluación física y económica de pérdidas en volumen debido al daño de Rhyacionia buoliana (Shiff.) en plantaciones de Pinus radiata D. Don en la Novena y Décima Regiones de Chile. [Physical and economic evaluation of volume losses due to Rhyacionnia buoliana (Shiff.) damage in Pinus radiata D. Don plantations in southern Chile]. Bosque 23(2): 29-42 (Open access).
- [09] Apiolaza LA and Garrick DJ. 2001. Breeding objectives for three silvicultural regimes of radiata pine. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 31: 654-662 (PDF).
- [08] Apiolaza LA and Garrick DJ. 2001. Analysis of longitudinal data from progeny tests: some multivariate approaches. Forest Science 47: 129-140 (PDF). The aleph: integrating most models for longitudinal data analysis in a tree (‘animal’) model framework. A nice introduction to multivariate genetic evaluation, if I may say so.
- [07] Apiolaza LA. 2000. Multiple trait improvement of radiata pine. PhD Thesis, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand. Hard four years. It has been published as papers [4], [5], [6], [8] and [9].
- [06] Apiolaza LA, Garrick DJ and Burdon RD. 2000. Optimising early selection using longitudinal data. Silvae Genetica 49: 195-200 (PDF).
- [05] Apiolaza LA, Gilmour AR and Garrick DJ. 2000. Variance modelling of longitudinal data from progeny tests. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 30: 645-654 (PDF).
- [04] Apiolaza LA, Burdon RD and Garrick DJ. 1999. Effect of univariate subsampling on the efficiency of bivariate parameter estimation and selection using half-sibs progeny tests. Forest Genetics 9: 79-87 (PDF).
- [03] Burdon RD and Apiolaza LA. 1998. Short note: more generalised estimation of between-trait genetic correlations using data from collateral relatives. Silvae Genetica 47: 174-175 (PDF).
- [02] Ipinza RH, Garcia X, Apiolaza LA, Molina MP, Chung P and Parra P. 1994. Variación juvenil de un ensayo de procedencias y familias de Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus Labill, en la séptima región, Chile. (Juvenile variation in a provenance and family test of Eucalyptus globulus subsp. globulus Labill, in the VII Region, Chile). Ecología 8: 259-270. (PDF image) All models used in the paper were developed in [01].
- [01] Apiolaza LA. 1994. Evaluación genética de la fase juvenil de Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. en Mel-Mel y Longotoma, V Región. (Genetic evaluation of the juvenile stage of Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh. in Mel-Mel and Longotoma, V Region, Chile). Escuela de Ingeniería Forestal, Universidad de Chile. My first steps in quantitative genetics, using family models and Henderson’s methods to estimate variance components. Now I think ‘sort of cute’. First registered use of cluster and discriminant analysis to create “macroprovenances” (now called subraces) to simplify the genetic analysis.
Conference materials
- [30] Apiolaza LA. 2024. Escogemos producir madera de baja calidad: cambiémoslo con mejoramiento genético. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Forestales. Valdivia, Chile, 22-25 October.
- [29] Apiolaza LA. 2022. Distintos desde la cuna: genética de propiedades de la madera en Pino radiata. Congreso Sociedad Chilena de Ciencias Forestales. Santiago, Chile, 8-10 November.
- [28] Apiolaza LA. 2019. A Bayesian multivariate evaluation of Mānuka flowering. New Zealand Statistical Association Conference. Dunedin, New Zealand, 26-28 November.
- [27] Apiolaza LA, Altaner CM, Li Y and Davies NT. 2018. Breeding durable eucalypts. Eucalyptus 2018: Managing Eucalyptus plantation under global changes. Montpellier, France, 17-21 September (PDF version of slides).
- [26] Apiolaza LA. 2014. Compromises in the genetic evaluation system of radiata pine in New Zealand. Keynote presentation in 2014 IUFRO Forest Tree Breeding Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 25-29 August (PDF version of slides).
- [25] Apiolaza LA. 2014. Very early screening for three clonal trials in radiata pine. Quick overview of part of our work in the Compromised Wood Quality (PDF version of slides).
- [24] Apiolaza LA. 2013. The interplay of modern genetic evaluation and breeding strategies. Keynote presentation in 2013 IUFRO Conference “Breeding for Value in a Changing World”, Jacksonville FL, USA, 4-7 February. (PDF version of slides).
- [23] Apiolaza LA. 2012. Andrew P. Robinson, Jeff D. Hamann: Forest Analytics With R: An Introduction. Book Review. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Statistics 17: 306-307. DOI: 10.1007/s13253-012-0093-y (HTML version).
- [22] Apiolaza LA. 2012. Caracterización temprana de madera de eucaliptos de alto valor [Early characterization of high-value eucalypts’ wood]. Keynote presentation in 2012 IUFRO Conference “Eucaliptos mejorados para aumentar la competitividad del sector forestal en América Latina”, Pucón, Chile, 22-23 November. (PDF version of slides).
- [21] McLean, J.P. and Apiolaza LA. 2012. Comparing Pinus radiata selection for favorable wood properties on clonal two year old nursery trees with analogous 12 year old field trials. In 2012 IUFRO Conference Division 5 Forest Products, Estoril, Portugal, 8-13 July (PDF version of slides).
- [20] Apiolaza LA, Evison DC, Hayes MP and Walker JCF. 2012. Small (and quick) is beautiful: understanding and exploiting genetic variation of wood quality in corewood. Invited presentation in 2012 IUFRO Conference Division 5 Forest Products, Estoril, Portugal, 8-13 July. (PDF version of slides).
- [19] Apiolaza LA, McConnochie R, Millen P, Van Ballekom S and Walker JCF. 2011. Introducing durable species to New Zealand drylands: genetics of early adaptation of Eucalyptus bosistoana. In: New Zealand Dryland Forests Initiative Workshop. Blenheim. 2nd November, 137-145 (PDF).
- [18] Alzamora RM, Apiolaza LA and Pinto A. 2011. Using a portfolio approach to select radiata pine appearance and structural trees under variable expression of traits. 4th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources, Maitencillo, Chile, 8-11 March.
- [17] McDonald TM and Apiolaza LA. 2009. Genotype by Environment interaction of Pinus radiata In New Zealand. Australasian Forest Genetics Conference. 20-22 April, Perth, Western Australia, Australia (PDF).
- [16] Alzamora RM and Apiolaza LA. 2009. Hedonic prices for structural wood attributes of radiata pine logs in New Zealand. Australasian Forest Genetics Conference. 20-22 April, Perth, Western Australia, Australia (PDF).
- [15] Apiolaza LA. 2009. Modeling wood quality using random regression splines. Australasian Forest Genetics Conference. 20-22 April, Perth, Western Australia, Australia (PDF).
- [14] Apiolaza LA. 2009. Exploiting different scales of variability in a generic Eucalyptus species. Revisiting Eucalypts Workshop, Wood Technology Research Centre. 12 February, Christchurch, New Zealand. pp 83-89 (PDF).
- [13] Apiolaza LA, Walker JCF, Nair H and Butterfield BG. 2008. Very early screening of wood quality for radiata pine: pushing the envelope. Society of Wood Science and Technology 51st annual convention. 10-11 November, Concepción, Chile. WQ-1 (PDF).
- [12] Alzamora RM and Apiolaza LA. 2007. Economic approaches for valuing wood quality. Australasian Forest Genetics Conference—Breeding for Wood quality. 11-14 April, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.
- [11] Apiolaza LA. 2007. Breeding wood quality: from average corewood value to early bloomers. Proceedings of Australasian Forest Genetics Conference — Breeding for Wood Quality. 11-14 April, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia. (PDF of abstract and presentation in conference web site).
- [10] Currie A, Langford G, McGhie T, Apiolaza LA, Snelling C, Braithewaite B and Vather R. 2006. Inheritance of antioxidants in a New Zealand blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.) population. 13th Australasian Plant Breeding Conference, 18-21 April, Christchurch, New Zealand: 218-225 (PDF).
- [09] Potts BM, Vaillancourt RE, Jordan G, Dutkowski GW , Costa e Silva J, McKinnon G, Steane D, Volker P, Lopez GA, Apiolaza LA, Li Y, Marques C and Borralho NMG. 2004. Exploration of the Eucalyptus globulus gene pool. In: Eucalyptus in a changing world, IUFRO Symposium. Aveiro, Portugal. 11-15 October 2004 (PDF). A review paper that included part of my work on economic value of different subraces, presented with much more detail in paper [16].
- [08] Whittock SP, Apiolaza LA, Dutkowski GW, Greaves BL and Potts BM. 2004. Carbon revenues and economic breeding objectives in Eucalyptus globulus pulpwood plantations. In: Eucalyptus in a changing world, IUFRO Symposium. Aveiro, Portugal. 11-15 October 2004 (PDF).
- [07] McRae TA, Apiolaza LA, Dutkowski GW, Kerr RJ, Pilbeam DJ, Powell MB and Tier B. 2003. TREEPLAN® – A genetic evaluation system for forest trees. Proceedings of the 27th Southern Forest Tree Improvement Conference, Stillwater, Oklahoma, USA. July 2003 (PDF preprint).
- [06] Kerr RJ, Dutkowski GW, Apiolaza LA, McRae TA, and Tier B. 2002. Developing a genetic evaluation system for forest tree breeding – the making of TREEPLAN. Proceedings of the 7th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Montpellier, France 07-10. CD-ROM communication No 07-10 (PDF).
- [05] Kerr RJ, Tier B, McRae TA, Dutkowski GW and Apiolaza LA. 2001. TREEPLAN – A genetic evaluation system for forest tree improvement. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-15 September, Valdivia, Chile (PDF preprint).
- [04] McRae TA, Pilbeam DJ, Gore PL, Dutkowski, GW and Apiolaza LA. 2001. Australian cooperative tree improvement strategy for Eucalyptus globulus. In ‘Developing the Eucalypt of the Future’. 10-15 September, Valdivia, Chile (PDF abstract).
- [03] Apiolaza LA and Greaves BL. 2001. Why are most breeders not using economic breeding objectives? In: Developing the eucalypt of the future, IUFRO Symposium. Valdivia, Chile. 10-15 September 2001 (PDF preprint).
- [02] Apiolaza LA, Burdon RD and Garrick DJ. 1998. Effects of subsampling on open-pollinated progeny tests. 6th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (Tree Breeding Session). Volume 27: 491-494. Armidale, Australia (PDF).
- [01] Shelbourne CJA, Apiolaza LA, Jayawickrama K and Sorenssen C. 1997. Developing breeding objectives for Radiata Pine in New Zealand. IUFRO Conference. Rotorua, New Zealand. pp 160-168 (PDF image).