PDF/HTML versions of my publications are here for my personal use; they should not be republished elsewhere. If you require a paper with no version in this page please contact me.

Conference materials are available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-ShareAlike license. The copyright of my journal articles varies from article to article; for some I have transferred copyright to the publishers, which have their own policies. For other articles I retain the full copyright. In case of doubt, just ask me.

My Google Scholar profile gives you more information on my publications, including citations.

I used to have strong opinions about some of my papers, now I agree with Van der Graaf Generator “No-one can ever know what of their own’s their very best” (in Bunsho).

What I thought was perfect,
what I thought was polished,
no-one thought it worth much
and they made that clear.
What I thought was worthless,
merely repetition
somehow tugged the heartstrings,
brought them all to tears.

No-one can ever know
what of their own’s their very best.

Journal articles, book chapters and the like

Conference materials