Evolving notes, images and sounds by Luis Apiolaza

Category: asreml (Page 1 of 4)

Start with the programming language and statistical approach used by your community

I have been very busy with the start of the semester, teaching regression modelling. The craziest thing was that the R installation was broken in the three computer labs I was allocated to use. It would not have been surprising if I were talking about Python ( šŸ¤£ ), but the installation script had a major bug. Argh!

Anyhow, I was talking with a student who was asking me why we were using R in the course (she already knew how to use Python). If you work in research for a while, particularly in statistics/data analysis, you are bound to bump onto long-lived discussions. It isn’t the Text Editor Wars nor the Operating Systems wars. I am referring to two questions that come up all the time in long threads:

  1. What language should I learn or use for my analyses?
  2. Should I be a Bayesian or a Frequentist? You are supposed to choose a statistical church.

The easy answer for the first one is “because I say so”: it’s my course. A longer answer is that a Domain Specific Language makes life a lot easier, as it is optimised to tasks performed in that domain. An even longer answer points to something deeper: a single language is never enough. My head plays images of Minitab, SAS, Genstat, Splus, R, ASReml, etc that I had to use at some point just to deal with statistics. Or Basic, Fortran, APL (crazy, I know), Python, Matlab, C++, etc that I had to use as more general languages at some point. The choice of language will depend on the problem and the community/colleagues you end up working with. Along your career you become a polyglot.

As an agnostic (in my good days) or an atheist (in my bad ones) I am not prone to join churches. In my research, I tend to use mostly frequentist stats (of the REML persuasion) but, sometimes, Bayesian approaches feel like the right framework. In most of my problems both schools tend to give the same, if not identical results.

I have chosen to be an interfaith polyglot.

Analyzing a simple experiment with heterogeneous variances using asreml, MCMCglmm and SAS

I was working with a small experiment which includes families from two Eucalyptus species and thought it would be nice to code a first analysis using alternative approaches. The experiment is a randomized complete block design, with species as fixed effect and family and block as a random effects, while the response variable is growth strain (in \( \mu \epsilon\)).

When looking at the trees one can see that the residual variances will be very different. In addition, the trees were growing in plastic bags laid out in rows (the blocks) and columns. Given that trees were growing in bags siting on flat terrain, most likely the row effects are zero.
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When R, or any other language, is not enough

This post is tangential to R, although R has a fair share of the issues I mention here, which include research reproducibility, open source, paying for software, multiple languages, salt and pepper.

There is an increasing interest in the reproducibility of research. In many topics we face multiple, often conflicting claims and as researchers we value the ability to evaluate those claims, including repeating/reproducing research results. While I share the interest in reproducibility, some times I feel we are obsessing too much on only part of the research process: statistical analysis. Even here, many people focus not on the models per se, but only on the code for the analysis, which should only use tools that are free of charge.

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Multisite, multivariate genetic analysis: simulation and analysis

The email wasn’t a challenge but a simple question: Is it possible to run a multivariate analysis in multiple sites? I was going to answer yes, of course, and leave it there but it would be a cruel, non-satisfying answer. We can get a better handle of the question if we use a simple example; let’s assume that we have two traits (call them tree stem diameter and stem density) assessed in two sites (localities).

Because this is genetics we have a family structure, let’s say half-siblings so we only half the mother in common, and we will ignore any experimental design features to keep things simple. We have 100 families, with 30 trees each, in sites A and B, for a total of 6,000 trees (100 x 30 x 2). The data could look like this: Continue reading

Overlay of design matrices in genetic analysis

I’ve ignored my quantitative geneticist side of things for a while (at least in this blog) so this time I’ll cover some code I was exchanging with a couple of colleagues who work for other organizations.

It is common to use diallel mating designs in plant and tree breeding, where a small number of parents acts as both males and females. For example, with 5 parents we can have 25 crosses, including reciprocals and selfing (crossing an individual with itself). Decades ago this mating design was tricky to fit and, considering an experimental layout with randomized complete blocks, one would have something like y = mu + blocks + dads + mums + cross + error. In this model dads and mums were estimating a fraction of the additive genetic variance. With the advent of animal model BLUP, was possible to fit something like y = mu + blocks + individual (using a pedigree) + cross + error. Another less computationally demanding alternative (at least with unrelated parents) is to fit a parental model, overlaying the design matrices for parents with something like this y = mu + blocks + (dad + mum) + cross + error.
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