Evolving notes, images and sounds by Luis Apiolaza

Category: jetsam (Page 2 of 15)

Jetsam 68: pumped

Service station at night, with yellow and white roof, eight pumps and a big Z sign with fuel prices.
Pumped, Z petrol station, Christchurch, New Zealand (Xiaomi MI9).

Jetsam 67: irrigation system

Wheels of a crop irrigation system with a pipe going through the middle. Eucalypt trees on the right hand side.
Irrigation system, Christchurch, New Zealand (Xiaomi MI9 + Rawtherapee Fuji Acros 100 simulation).

Jetsam 64: washing day

Over ten high visibility vests, all orange but a yellow one, hanging on a clothes drier. A window next to them shows a number of big pipes.
High visibility vests hanging on a clothes drier (Xiaomi MI9 + Rawtherapee with Velvia 100 simulation).
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