Evolving notes, images and sounds by Luis Apiolaza

Category: photos (Page 17 of 17)

Having a break cycling

I’ve spent the last three weeks working in a project that:

  • if successful, will provide quite a bit of interesting data and a few papers coming from it but
  • if a flop, may also end up as a huge waste of paper (at least will keep the forestry industry going for a while).

So, I was really tired and took Newton for a walk. Actually he was walking/running on the leash while I was cycling. And we have sprints on the sidewalk and hope that there are no cars leaving the driveway, because our chances of stopping on time are minimal. Avonhead cemetery is not far from home and I’m a sucker for cemeteries; they are such a great way to see history in action. We stopped when the sun was very low in the horizon and I wanted to capture the spinning movement of the two windmills. Low speed, neutral graduated filter and split tone.

Windmills in Avonhead cemetery (21 March 2012).

There are a few areas that went white because of the slow shutter speed, but I think it represents quite well what I had in mind at the time.

Eucalypt earthquake memories

This week was the first anniversary of the February 22nd earthquake in Christchurch. Between that and the first week of lectures it has been hard to find time to write much about data analysis. Thus, if I owe you some analyses, some code or some text be patient, please. I’ll be back soon(ish).

I have never been much of a downtown person, so it is no surprise that I haven’t been in Hagley Park for a while. Today (Sunday in my part of the planet) was a a nice treat to spend some time there and see the interaction between city recovery and the Botanic Gardens, particularly in a Eucalyptus delegatensis surrounded by messages.

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Mid-February flotsam

This coming Monday we start the first semester in Canterbury (and in New Zealand for that matter). We are all looking forward to an earthquake-free year; more realistically, I’d be happy with low magnitude aftershocks.

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Stitched pictures of the view, courtesy of Hugin and Skitch.

Traveling with friends and family, view from Green Lake towards Lake Tarawera, North Island, New Zealand. Time for walks, nice meals and setting R aside (although I have a few drafts for the blog soon to be published). Now back in the South Island we prepare for a great weekend with more walks, food and friends. Merry Christmas.

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