Evolving notes, images and sounds by Luis Apiolaza

Category: photos (Page 4 of 17)

Jetsam 59: suburban rainbow

View from the berm, dominated by a suburban street lined up by oaks and liquidambar. There is a rainbow in the sky.
Walking after gentle rain, rainbow in the suburban sky, Christchurch, New Zealand (iPhone 6s + RNI film simulation).

Jetsam 57: forgotten juice

Half-drunk juice glass with an orange straw , resting on a stone edge next to a river market.
Forgotten plastic juice glass, Prague, Czech Republic (Nikon P7100 + Rawtherapee Fuji Velvia 50 simulation).

Jetsam 55: workers behind fence

Workers wearing high visibility vests behind a fence covered with orange netting.
Workers behind fence, Christchurch, New Zealand (iPhone 6s + Rawtherapee Velvia 50 film simulation).
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